Before you start shelling your wedding photographer with tons of questions, you should know their reviews and style and make sure they are somewhat near your budget. You will only be wasting your time if you do not examine these things first. These things are non-negotiable for the couple and the vendor. Therefore, making these basic information research elements a requirement. Meanwhile, here are a few questions to ask your wedding photographer.
What is your primary wedding style?
It should be the first question to ask your wedding photographer San Juan and it can either make or break the deal. When the photographer’s gracefulness and style do not live up to your expectations, you will not be satisfied at the end of the day. Even when you have researched their style from social media, it is necessary to have them elaborated so you can expect what you are getting.
How many weddings you have covered?
Sometimes photographers stay in the business for years yet do not have much to display. On the other hand, a photographer with less than 2 years of experience has much to offer than a photographer working for 5 years or more. Learning how many wedding a photographer San Juan Puerto Rico have covered gives you an overview of the photographer’s experience and how many people have trusted them for years.
Who will be recording my wedding?
It is essential to learn who will be on your wedding day. Wedding photography can be a lot smoother and easier if you convey your expectations to the photographer San Juan Puerto Rico before the wedding. Meanwhile, you can share a few inspirational shots with them that you have found on the internet, so they can apply those small things while doing portraits of your wedding and your guests.